In the Forex School Online students area we have had 2 x student price action trading Forums, and in today's lesson I am going to take you behind the scenes and show you a small snippet of just a few of these live trade posts. and their results.
You will see the the before entries, the after, the winners, breakevens and losses.
When I say before entry, these trades were not posted as hindsight trades. I have been posting my live trades for students since 2010, and combined together in the two forums I have well over 4,000+ posts. and in this behind the scenes post today, I am not showing trade ideas, but the exact before and after of the real the “live time” win, lose or draw trade results.
Trades were and are impossible to be deleted without being known about. I could not quickly go in and delete a losing trade as students would see and know that they are deleted as they get an email notification if subscribed when a new post is made in the forum as soon as it is posted. They would see my post is gone, but still be able to read it through email.
#1: All trades are from the students High Probability Price Action Course and it’s 2 x forums. You will notice that some images are different to others and that is because of the two different forums. We upgraded to a new forum.
#2: Some areas are blurred or cut out for student course only teachings.
#3: You can click on the chart images below to make the full size image come up.
#4: IMPORTANT: We are NOT a signal service, copy, trade, or any other service that posts live trades for you, or offer any sort of personal advice on how a trader should enter or make their trading decisions.
Lastly, before we look at the trades; why is it so important you have faith in your method / strategy and the system you are trading?
A huge reason we see the statistic that I have attached below and the reason that traders system hop so often and so quickly is partly due to the fact that they come into trading with a ‘millionaire's mindset’ of looking to make millions overnight, and when they don’t, they go looking for the next holy grail.
The other reason is because they continually lose faith in a lot of the systems they are using.
If they don’t see success they move on and this is fair enough, but it becomes a bit like the person digging for Gold or Diamonds… and you just never know if that next dig lower would have been the one where the Gold was if you are continually jumping to a new system.

Have Doubts is a HUGE Problem and You Need to Crush THEM!
This is why you need to crush these doubts in your trading.
I am sure you have got into a trade that you had huge doubts about before the entry and the moment you go into it you thought 'oh crap why did I do that!'
Then you started thinking things like “will it turn on me?” … “Should I really be in this trade?”... and then, “I am going to get out right now and cut my losses before the market gives me a loss”.
When we are confident in what we are doing, we are seeing success, we trust our systems, how they work, we make the correct decisions and we let price play out as it should.
NOTE: If you don't understand all the trade strategies discussed that is okay, and not the goal of the lesson as you can create a strategy that works. .As you are going through these trades, try to pickup what is the same about them all.
Let’s look at the trades!

I have been using the time frame indicator to create different time frames and add extra trades into my trading for many years now from the 2/6/8/12 hour charts to the 2 / 3 day charts. Get the MT4 time frame change indicator below:

Take note of the huge daily levels to find high probability and repeatable trade setups.
I discuss this a lot more in-depth in the trading strategy lesson at "The Ultimate Guide to Marking Price Action Support and Resistance' and go through how you need to both setup your routine, and then how you can move to smaller time frames to hunt trade setups.

As we have often discussed in this site; the king is the Price Action Story and then we confirm with an A+ trigger like a huge false break. like example below on the EURCAD.

Do I Only Make Winning Trades?
Of course I make losing trades, just like EVERY single trader in the world. I talk a lot about losing right on this site.
Think about this; if you have an edge that gives you a 65% win rate, you are winning 65 trades out of 100, but you are still losing a whopping 35.
It is the 35 losses where things can go pear shaped because traders can let one bad trade quickly turn into 2,3,4 and 5 when it should have been just one.
And instead of having 35 losing trades, it turns into 65.
Learning how to lose is a MAJOR key to you making long-term profits. Cutting losses is not just about the trade that you are exiting, it is making sure you leave that losing trade, forget it, wipe it, and start again with your trading edge fresh.
Here are a few examples of trades posted live that went onto lose...

Have You Noticed?
Have you noticed what all of these trades have in common whether win / lose or breakeven?
- They are super high probability
- I have the odds stacked in my favor before pulling the trigger
- They all follow the same rule-set and same plan I am ticking off before making them, every single time, just like I show you how to create in the step-by-step checklist video lesson and I teach my students in the high probability price action course.
My charts are set and I have alerts ready to ping me if something I am waiting on happens so I can flick my charts on and watch price move into a major level or a ‘kill zone’. There is no guesswork happening and I am not just going into the market hoping for the best.
If you want to learn how to make A+ high probability price action trades, manage them with strict rules and a trading plans, and get a ton of other super cool information then sign up below;
If you have any questions post them along with your comments!
Hi Johnathon, I want to know with how much I have to start and how does it work to withdraw money. What amounts can be draw and is it once per month or anytime I want to?
Are you from FXCM?
I am learning to make my trade set up1st. If I cannot make my profit least 2 times my stop loss amount, don’t trade it. There will always be another trade. Also I only trade daily and 4 Hr. Charts. This takes a lot of patience, which is hard. Learning how to read a chart with price action is what I am focused on.
Nice to hear from you Rose!
Patience is the key.
Safe trading,
Day trading for beginners is like lion taming, except more expensive. It’s a risky and challenging pursuit: buying stocks and selling them again in the same day, making money off tiny fluctuations in the price of a stock over a twelve hour period. For many years the tools of day trading were not available to the average investor: real time stock results, analysis tools and access to instant trades.
Hi Jonathan
Thanks for this really interesting. I have a question
Do you trade every high probability set up available to you in a given day regardless of outcomes or do you have a limit to the amount of trades you take per day or the amount of losses you take per day.
The reason I ask is because I am confused because some such as Tasty Trade say you need to trade often in order to put the law of large numbers on your side and the less you trade the more exposed you are to variance like the coin toss with limited throws vs many many throws.
However I notice if I trade a lot during the day a winning day can become a losing day when I then invarirably hit a losing streak. So just eager to know whats your philosophy on this.
Do you have 3 strike rule for stopping for the day?
Heya Les,
nice to hear from you and top question.
You need to take the trades as they come and when they come as you will find over and over again (and the longer your trade the more you will notice), the market comes in waves… and it it pays he who waits to cash in on the next wave.
So, you have to sit out the boring crappy trades, and then they will seem to all come in a rush – bang, bang, bang. We cannot predict it, or when the market is great or terribly slow.
Your mindset may be playing a bigger role and the trades / losses you take or holding you back from going onto make further and bigger wins ad you may need to reassess and look at what it is you are doing or not doing after you get into a winning position for the day and why it is you don’t kick on to make it a great kick arse day.
I don’t have a number of trade rule. I have a monetary loss rule (overall) and I recommend for traders to have an overall amount of account rule; to stop trading break, and reassess before they work out what they are doing and stem the flow.
Safe trading,