Forex Trade Management: 3 Quick Tips To Managing Your Trades Something that is ABSOLUTELY VITAL for success, but often not discussed or understood correctly by a lot of traders is just how important taking full profits are for staying in business and ensuring that the overall account risk reward …
Money management
Mark Douglas 5 x Trading Truths to Profits
Mark Douglas 5 x Trading Truths to Profits Mark Douglas is the late famous author of a range of trading psychology books with the most notable and profound for traders being “Trading in the Zone”. Part of the Mark Douglas trading philosophy is that he believes there are five …
7 Principles of Profitable Trading
7 Principles of Profitable Trading In part #1 last week we discussed the 5 Trading Truths to Profits, detailing how you can start thinking with an edge over the market and why this is so important for success. Read this Part #1 Lesson: How to Use Mark Douglas 5 x Trading Truths to …