Money Management That Actually Works in Forex! When people first come to trading and in particular Forex the first thing they look to do is find the shiniest and fanciest trading system they can get their hands on. The thinking goes that if they can just find the latest and greatest system all …
What is a Forex Trading Journal and Why is it so Important?
Q: What is the one thing that can help you make big improvements in your trading and also help you quickly spot when errors or mistakes are creeping in? A: A trading journal of course. A surprising number of traders either do not have, or do not correctly use, a solid trade journal and are …
Creating a Rule Set and High Probability Edge Over the Market
There is one thing all professional traders have in common and that is they all have a trading plan. The reason a trading plan is so important is because the plan is what a trader uses to make their trades, manage their trades and take profit out of the markets systematically. A trading plan …